The term Digital Bangladesh has symbolical meanings.It refers to the developed country, developed society,population suitable for digital age,knowledge based economy etc.All kinds of performing activities would be accurate and also would have shortest possible time.Here,all kinds of nessary information would be available on the net.After four decades our indepence—Bangladesh has not reached its destination.Here corruption,redtapism,nepotism,avariceand other etc,have engulfed to the whole development of our country.It remained a fecble infant.This deplorable condition should be aollwed to move fast.To get relief from this clutch the present ruling authority has declared this term for the days demand.Some people often confuse about the real motto of this term.They think,by transforming this as Digital Bangladesh
.The whole country would be overnight completely it based.But the real motiv is to bring all kinds of performing acts with accuracy and within the shortest possible time.We are expecting its benefit / success.
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