
Write an application to the Principal for changing an elective subject.

We write application for send a request  to higher person for solving many problem.Today I teach you how to write an application  to  the  Principal  for changing  an elective subject.
20th May, 2011.
The Principal,
“X” College Naogaon.
Subject: Prayer for  changing  an elective subject.
I respectfully beg  to state that  I  am  a  student of (HONS)  I st   year. I took  up Economics as my elective subject. Now it is seemed  to me very  difficult. So I want to change my elective subject. I want to take  History  in lieu of  Economics
May  I  therefore  pray  and hope that  you would be kind enough to grant  my prayer  and 
oblige  thereby
Your most obediently
 “ N”

Some Advantages of this post:
*You will able to write an application to the principle.
*You can help those friend/people who faces this kind of problem.

Thank you.


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